Windows 10 comes with quite a few default programs that cannot easily be uninstalled or deleted. 10AppsManager is a free tool that lets you get rid of these programs and even retrieve them later if you change your mind.
The program shows you all the icons of the programs that it can uninstall, though some of them are simply shortcuts to installers instead of the programs themselves. The full list includes 3D Builder, Alarms, Calculator, Camera, Film and TV, Get Office, Get Skype, Get Started, Mail and Calendar, Maps, Money, Music, News, OneNote, People, Phone Companion, Photos, Solitaire, Sports, Store, Voice Recorder, Weather, and Xbox.
Since it's an experimental and unofficial tool, the developers recommend creating a backup before using it. Also, if you decide to reinstall a program that you deleted with 10AppsManager, you need to follow a series of steps that includes manually entering a command in Windows shell. This is all fully explained in the reinstall section of the program.